Enough Already!

FINISH each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities have crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day. You shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.   ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

What is Spiritual Direction?

YouTube Interview with Kristen Hobby – What is Spiritual Direction?

Ah, Children…

The pursuit of truth and beauty is a sphere of activity in which

we are permitted to remain children all our lives.

~ Albert Einstein


We have all been uniquely gifted. These gifts are not to be hoarded, but meant to be shared. The Holy Spirit is the master conductor and directs the sharing! The one with the need is brought into contact with the one with the gift – and thus the sharing can commence. I pray that I walk through my days with open hands – ready to both give and receive – a holy conduit.

Loving God, may I truly be a conduit for you in the world. Amen.


The wisdom from heaven waits to drop on us like rain in spring. When we want our souls to be drenched in that wisdom, we need only be quiet and observant to each moment that is before us. Those who practice awareness in the moment find that giving a word in season and even hearing a word in season is natural and effortless. Wrestling with the past or fantasizing about the future stops our powers of observation, and the words from heaven often go unnoticed.

So, stop right now. Be still. Let the drops from heaven fall gently on you.         ~ Renee Miller

Living the Life of Love

When I think about people who embody God’s love, my mind immediately goes to Pete Ross. Pete was a wonderful woman who was a member of our West Texas congregation during the time I raised my kids. Pete had a joyous, peaceful demeanor that was absolutely infective. It was impossible to be around her and not have your spirit lifted. Her blue eyes shone brightly straight into your heart filling you with acceptance and love. Her delight in seeing you was genuine and affirming.

What a force she has been in my life!

In our world, we expect that a person must be ‘theologically well educated’ in order to achieve wisdom and insight into living the life of faith. Pete was ‘theologically well educated’ all right, but her education came not at one of the church’s fine seminaries, no, her education came directly from the school of life and was achieved through her unfailing openness to God and God’s love for her in the midst the stuff of life.
[Read more…]


Faith is a gift and not something that we have to think our way into! God is mystery, our attempts at understanding the Mystery can never lead us to a full and complete understanding – the more we know, the more we come to realize we can never know.

Spiritual Formation, of course, includes the intellectual knowledge of God but also has a strong emphasis on engaging the complete person – body, mind, emotions, and spirit. This holistic approach is focused towards providing one with tools and practices that will assist the individual in experiencing God and God’s love. The tools and practices help make us open and available to God. In this open state we are able to recognize and accept the gift of faith.

God acts – we receive.

    I hear my voice in the cry of the father who when asked by Jesus, “Do you believe?”, replies, “I believe, help my unbelief!” (Mark 9:24, NRSV)

Mystical Hope, Cynthia Bourgeault

    But in the contemplative journey, as we swim down into those deeper waters toward the wellsprings of hope, we begin to experience and trust what it means to lay down self, to let go of ordinary awareness and surrender ourselves to the mercy of God. And as hope, the hidden spring of mercy deep within us, is released in that touch and flows out from the center, filling us with the fullness of God’s own purpose living itself into action, then we discover within ourselves the mysterious plenitude to live into action what our ordinary hearts and minds could not possibly sustain. —Mystical Hope, Cynthia Bourgeault