What is Spiritual Direction?

“The essence of spiritual guidance or direction can be seen whenever one person helps another to see and respond to spiritual truth. … When spiritual guidance occurs in a formal, one-to-one relationship with another individual, it can be called spiritual direction. In the classic form of spiritual direction there is a director and a directee, the one helping the other to discern the work of the Lord in his or her life and to distinguish among the various forces or “spirits” which seem to beckon in different directions.” –Gerald May, Care of Mind, Care of Spirit

“The ministry of spiritual direction can be understood as the meeting of two or more people whose desire is to prayerfully listen for the movements of the Holy Spirit in all areas of a person’s life (not just in their formal prayer life). It is a three-way relationship: among the true director who is the Holy Spirit, … and the human director (who listens for the directions of the Spirit with the directee), and the directee. … The director is a companion along the pilgrim’s way, wanting to be directly open along with the directee to the Spirit-undercurrents flowing through the happenings of the directee’s life.” – Tilden Edwards, Spiritual Director, Spiritual Companion

Spiritual direction is neither psychotherapy nor pastoral counseling.

“Spiritual direction gives people an opportunity to reflect on what they perceive as experiences with God.”

“The art of Spiritual Direction lies in our uncovering the obvious in our lives and in realizing that everyday events are the means by which God tries to reach us.” – Margaret Guenther, Holy Listening

“The Holy Spirit is the true director in this strange ministry called spiritual direction.” – Margaret Guenther, Holy Listening

“…the task of the external director is to put souls in touch with the Holy Spirit, their inward guide.” – Augustine Baker (17th Century)

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