Work With Me

Spiritual Direction

In the midst of busy lives, we often find it difficult to discern God’s presence or action in our lives. We long for a connection and an experience of God’s love and presence. Spiritual Direction provides a place to explore this longing and encouragement in the journey towards a deeper relationship with God.

Stand by the roads, and ask for the ancient paths, where the good way is; and walk in it, and find rest for your souls. (Jer 6:16a)

Spiritual Direction has been a part of the Christian tradition for centuries. During our time together we will explore the movement of God in your life and look for ways to connect at the deepest level to God’s abiding love for you. Contact me if you are interested in exploring Spiritual Direction.




I welcome the opportunity to speak to your group, class or retreat. Over the last few years, I have lead classes and retreats on spiritual practices, prayer, worship, Psalms, and Benedictine spirituality. I particularly focus on the intersection of a busy life and the practices that help to maintain/experience connection to the Divine. Along this line I have spoken on the role of TIME in the spiritual life.

“Spirituality is life lived in the continuous presence of the Divine.” ~Abraham Joshua Heshel

More recently I have been exploring the use of digital/social media and its uses in ministry. I have lead classes and workshops on various aspects of this topic. Contact me for more information.


Faith Growth

Co-founder  of Faith Growth, a ministry promoting use of spiritual practices by individuals and congregations. In addition, Faith Growth facilitates the use of Social Media to strengthen community within congregations. We welcome the opportunity to consult with you to determine you congregation’s specific needs and to develop a plan to help your congregation join the ‘digital conversation’. Contact me for more information.