Sabbath Keeping 1

God has provided us with the gift of a Sabbath to provide the refreshment and reorientation that we need to accomplish the work that we are called to be about. Sabbath is a day to rest as if all our work were done – this is very hard to do! It takes practice. The fruit of the practice of Sabbath Keeping is an opening of the eyes of faith increasing our awareness of God’s presence.

I invite you to carve out a time for a regular Sabbath rest in your week. It does not have to be on Sunday – it does not have to be a full day – just a regular time that you intentionally set aside to rest.


    You are God’s Beloved.
    Being God’s Beloved is not about
    who you are nor about what you do
    —or don’t do!
    Being God’s Beloved is about who God is.

    You are loved.
    Bask in your Belovedness!

The Sabbath is time for you to be bathed in God’s love for you – open yourself to this marvelous truth.

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